Don David

About the Teacher

Why study with them?

Born and raised in South Shields in the North East of England, David first discovered Ayahuasca in a last ditch attempt to break free from years of crippling anxiety and depression. Coming from a successful business background, he had never even heard of Ayahuasca until a friend suggested sacred plant medicine as a way out of his constant self destructive cycles.

Shortly after drinking the medicine, David quit his corporate career and released himself of the material, financial and egoic crutches that came with it. He headed for the Peruvian Amazon, destined to train under the tutelage of Don Ron Wheelock, The Gringo Shaman.

His calling to work with Ayahuasca was so powerful that in less than 3 years, David went from never having heard of the plant to completing his shamanic training and owning his own retreat in the Amazon jungle.

After over a decade as a practicing healer, David now has many students of his own. Some are still in training whilst others have advanced to become successful practicing shamans, living their true calling as healers helping those in need.

Having gained quite the reputation as a bonafide shaman and curandero (healer) among the Peruvian community in which he lives, local villagers regularly attend David’s ceremonies accompanied by other indigenous shamans - a compliment the Westerner holds close to his heart, endorsing the quality and integrity of his work with these sacred plant medicines.

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