Lori Durnin - The Bohemian Mystic

About the Teacher

Why study with them?

My spiritual awakening began 8 years ago when an unexpected event opened me up to a higher power. I made it a full time job to focus on my spiritual mission which initially was to explore the inner workings of myself to work my way out of fear based thinking. I began having conversations with myself through journaling which freed me from limiting thoughts.

In early 2020, a profound experience changed the trajectory of my life. It became nothing short of an intense and transformative shamanic journey. I was taken down a road of darkness which took me a number of years to understand and free myself from. Along the way, I have developed and discovered profound spiritual gifts, abilities and tools that are meant to assist humanity on the ascension journey we are now experiencing.

I am my work meaning all I have learnt has been through my own healing journey. I am self taught and specialize in mind mastery, healing triggers, alchemizing shadow to light, meditation, tapping into my creative gifts through stillness and silence, transmuting fear into love and self actualizatiion to ultimately bring myself into a state of self love.

We are each a powerful creator BEing with our own unique gifts to express and give back to humanity. It has never been more important than this present moment to walk in our authenticity and step into our life purpose.

You have hidden treasures of potential within you waiting to blossom and a beautiful life path to create. I have walked the Shaman's path and carry much ancient wisdom meant to assist you on your sacred journey to wholeness.

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