Susy Shikoda

About the Teacher

Why study with them?

Susy was reborn after a long battle with cancer, which caused a complete change in the direction of her career and purpose in life.

Susy is now an integrative therapist specialising in neuroscience and mental health, emotional intelligence and behaviour, as well as a facilitator of sacred plant medicine retreats.

Susy studied a master's in NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) with the creator of the technique, Dr. Richard Bandler, and she is currently finalising a postgraduate degree in Integrative Functional Medicine, deepening her knowledge of one of the greatest illnesses of the century: mental health.

She is the author of “Be Your Own Miracle”, where she recounts her life and her experience with cancer, giving insights into how to overcome the challenges posed by the cancer treatment through the mind.

Susy is also a facilitator of Access Bars, PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy), a Tuning Forks Practitioner, an Essential Oils educator and has a specialisation in level 2 of NCFE CACHE (the UK's leading sector specialist in health, care and education) in mental and emotional health by the British Government in London.

In addition, she is a student of the sacred plant medicines of the Yawanawa tribe.

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