“As psychologist, shaman, life coach, retreat holder and meditation instructor, Ixaya has 30 years of spiritual and meditative experiences.
She has published 14 books on our true potential as a human experience, and has offered countless retreats and coaching sessions, leading managers, nurses, doctors, school teachers back to the center of their own path of life.
She was baptized as shaman after living in Mexico for 9 years and giving a unique session to ‘help’ people die with dignity and self validation.
She has found inner values while living in nature during four years with her then 3 year old daughter and has since then found the “inner light” to heal herself and ‘read’ the potential in any person she touches.
The Nahuatl name Ixaya was given to her in the shamanic ceremony.. Ixaya means TO OPEN YOUR EYES TO REALITY.
When she connects her light to yours, you will feel the upgrade in your life’s qualities.”
This information was published about me in the Magazine, Pura Vida Mexico and I humbly bow to it, and do my best to be the spiritual guide we all need from time to time.
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