Jay Cutts

About the Teacher

Why study with them?

Jay has been involved in meditative work since 1970. He attended the Rocherster NY Zen Center with Roshi Philip Kapleau for about eight years and then attended the Springwater NY Center for Meditative Inquiry and Retreat, founded by Toni Packer, since then and up to the present. He is the director of Rain Tree - The New Mexico Center for Meditative Inquiry and Retreat.

Jay's interest is in uncovering the wholeness and simplicity of Life. By learning to listen quietly, honestly, without agenda, we can begin to discover the patterns through which we live and how they color our experience. In this way, Wholeness begins to function in us more deeply, shining light into the "unfinished business" of our lives, bringing healing, simple being, and a deep appreciation and affection.

Jay feels that meditative work can deepen best when we work together, in small group dialogue and in one-on-one meeting. Many people study the writings and talks of teachers but never have the opportunity to meet face-to-face. We all have so many blind spots and working together personally may be essential for coming in touch with our unexamined assumptions about ourselves and about meditative work.

Jay is available to meet with people individually. He doesn't earn any money from any of the activities of the Rain Tree Center.

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