Maestro Diego Rojas Sanchez Shipibo Master Curandero & Vegetalista

About the Teacher

Why study with them?

The renowned Shipibo Maestro, Diego Sanchez, is one of the most powerful and pure-hearted Ayahuasca Maestro shaman living in Peru today. He draws upon a remarkable shamanic lineage; he studied with his grandfather, Manuel Rojas Sanacino, who was one of the last ‘Merayas’ – the highest grade of shaman you can achieve.

Besides his great wisdom and healing power, Master Diego possesses a kindness, patience & humility from a deep in his heart for all of humanity. He is also widely known for singling the most beautiful Icaro’s in the Amazon, with a voice that surpasses any in Peru. The deep love he feels for you and your healing, is moving and notably felt by all who attend his ceremonies.

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