Clara Wessel

About the Teacher

Why study with them?

I have been practicing Yoga for almost 10 years and last year I completed my 200h Multi-style Yoga Teacher Training in India.
I deeply believe in the power of connecting conscious movement and breath to cultivate inner peace, presence and connection.

I hold a M.Sc. in Human Ecology and am fascinated about the interplay between inner and outer transformation. Only if we heal ourselves we can heal the earth and only if we heal the earth we can heal ourselves.
I’ve worked on and with various socio-ecological initiatives learning about permaculture, ecosystem restoration to pastoral agroecology in Spain and biodiversity centred organic agriculture on Vandana Shiva’s Navdanya farm in India.

I am deeply inspired by the teachings of many Indigenous cultures and wisdom traditions that have practised and advocated for an interconnected being-in-the-world for millennia. (Re)covering a sense of belonging and care for this world and ourselves within it is where I feel my calling.

In my daily life I love to cook and experiment with food, nourishing myself and others fulfils me and brings me a lot of joy. I’m also a passionate dancer and love to explore our beautiful planet on many small and big adventures.

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