Aiyana Mantel

About the Teacher

Why study with them?

For more than 20 years, it has been my passion to offer Shamanic healing and spiritual development through the mysticism and healing wisdom of the Andes for a higher dimension of well-being, self-leadership and positive change. I love to see people heal, spiritually grow, and have the courage to step forward to live their dreams!

I have a great dream and a soul mission to contribute to a more conscious and peaceful world, a world where our spiritual and physical dimension go hand in hand and in balance with the wisdom of nature. That's why I work with spiritual development and education in shamanic energy medicine that I know makes an amazing difference personally and globally.

Shamans from countries around the world have different ceremonies to express the sacred. What they do have in common, is the big love for our beautiful planet Mother Earth and all living beings. As we heal ourselves, we also understand more clearly our purpose here on Earth.

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