Eric Inman, Facilitator & Guide

About the Teacher

Why study with them?

Eric has been a professional river guide since his teens, and facilitating nature connection experiences since he graduated with his M.A. in Cultural & Psychological studies with a specialty in Ecopsychology. When psilocybin journeys became legal in Oregon, it was a natural fit.

In 2023, the first year Oregon officially began offering legal psilocybin services, Eric completed his psilocybin facilitation training at InnerTrek.

Eric is here for the free thinkers, adventurers, explorers and radical agents of change, even those who don't know how to live that into being. Those who know things are off and want to break free from the matrix, but have had trouble finding a path that calls the core of their being. Those who have seen through the false rewards of our material culture, but still feel burdened by the weight of expectations to conform to it. And the sensitive, particularly men, attuned to the suffering of other people and beings, the harsh realities of the world, the role they play, the guilt that goes along with the privilege they never asked for, and struggle to deal with it all and try and make something better in the process.

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