Riley Murtha

About the Teacher

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Hello! My name is Riley Murtha and I am SO passionate about reconnecting women to their most authentic selves and building a beautiful, loving foundational relationship within. I am a self-love and mindset coach and energy healer. I employ a multi-faceted approach to shifting the subconscious mind into a space of empowerment, restoring the flow of life force energy and planting seeds of deep awareness, remembering, soul-aligned truth and inspired action.

By nature, I am a truth speaker. An answer seeker. A problem solver. A shit disturber. A disrupter. A cycle-breaker. A critical thinker. A skeptic by nature. I have a fierce and untameable curiosity. I refuse to settle. I reject band-aids and seek deep understanding. Always have. Always will.

Mindset & Self-love Coach, Energy Healer
Bachelor's Degree in Sociology from UBC
Certified Level One Himalayan Kriya Teacher
Certified Level I and II Usui Reiki Practitioner
ACE Certified Behaviour Change Specialist
ACE Certified Personal Trainer
ACE Certified Fitness Nutrition Specialist

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