Swami Amandeep

About the Teacher

Why study with them?

Swami Amandeep is a certified Tantra Teacher and Faculty at Tantra Essence, world renowned organisation, developed by famous Ma Ananda Sarita.

Before meeting Sarita in 2016, Amandeep has for many years studied with Drunvalo Melchizedek, who's work focuses on methodology of the Sacred Space of the Heart and Merkaba (human light body) science. He is also a certified Tantra Hatha Yoga Teacher, qualified in Akashic Records reading and past life regression methods, Siddha Kundalini Energy Healing techniques, as well as being a shamanic Third Eye Journey facilitator and an Emotional Fluidity coach and certified massage therapist of Lomi Lomi Nui, ancient Hawaiian temple massage technique.

His life long love affair with Indian mystic and enlightened master Osho, makes Amandeep an expert on Osho meditations, emotional release techniques as well as methods of counterconditioning and trauma healing.

Swami Amandeep is a founder of Waiheke Mystery School, meditation centre in New Zealand, which has been successfully transforming people's lives since 2015. https://waihekemysteryschool.co.nz/

He also runs an annual conscious event, Shiva Shakti Festival in Auckland, New Zealand, hosting numerous high calibre teachers of Tantra, Yoga, Meditation, Dance Therapies and facilitators, musicians and healers. https://shivashakti.nz/

Swami Amandeep brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to any retreat .His teachings are deeply rooted in the ancient traditions of authentic Tantra, and he has guided countless individuals on their path to self-realisation and inner transformation.

Swami Amandeep's presence and wisdom will illuminate your spiritual journey, helping you explore the depths of your consciousness. Spiritual healer, musician, artist, father of two boys, dream manifestor, star traveller, space holder, Tantra and spirituality eternal student and teacher.

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