Fer Pal

About the Teacher

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He has been dedicated to human development since 2011. After quitting his job in the International Trade & Logistics field, he decided to reconnect with his vocational path, health and wellness. After a decade of research and studies, Fer has achieved deep knowledge about holistic health techniques, plant medicine, entrepreneurship, and group leadership. He also runs his own business since 2017 and he is a blue-belt jiu-jitsu athlete and musician.

Among other life experiences, he has lived in China, The Philippines, Spain and Peru. It was in Peru where he conducted his deepest research on traditional and ancestral medicine going into a self-exploring process which brought remarkable changes in his way of thinking and perceiving reality.

He wrote and published his first book "Transformation in Base 4" in 2021 which talks about self-development based on the ancestral knowledge of the 4 elements. He also launched in 2022 his first album "Gotas de Vida".

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