Lauralee started a homesteading journey with her husband Mark in 2015 working towards food security and self-sufficient initiatives. While travelling abroad in New Zealand she lived with a family and experienced a zero-waste management project, permaculture, organic herbal greenhouse operations and more. This experience had a major impact on her homestead development and future plans. Lauralee is proud of that experience and would love the opportunity to travel worldwide to learn and see more permaculture in action. The Homestead is a 6 acre plot nestled in the forest of a small farming community. In 2020, Lauralee implemented a new way forward following no-dig methods, perma-culture techniques and integrating water harvesting systems. Composting and reusing as many resources as possible is an essential design principle on the property and you are invited to participate while staying on the property. Lauralee is very passionate about her roots and reviving the traditional way of our pass generations. She is proud of her heritage and have adopted a way of life that has been handed downto her through generations. Lauralee is very excited to share these traditions and teachings by welcoming you to Upper Humber Settlement where you will be staying for half of your retreat.
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