Swami Yogendra Mishra Ji

About the Teacher

Why study with them?

Swami Yogendra Mishra Ji holds a Master's degree in Philosophy (M.A in Philosophy) from Agra University, as well as a Diploma in Yoga Education (D.Y.Ed) from Kaivalyadham and a Bachelor's degree in Physical Education (B.PEd) from Amaravathi University.

With more than 25 years of experience in Yoga and meditation, he has become a renowned Yogi who has shared his wisdom in many countries around the world.

We're delighted to share that Acharya Yogi Yogendra Mishra Ji has founded the International Yoga and Meditation Academy. In addition, he offers his expertise as an advisor to numerous institutions worldwide. Thanks to his vast knowledge and experience, he often receives special invitations from Yoga centers abroad, where he continues to inspire and guide many on their Yoga journeys

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