Patty Santacruz

About the Teacher

Why study with them?

28 years of experience. Therapist in Gestalt psychology, master of Usui Reiki, Karuna Reiki; Tameana, Sakh Majat, H'ama and Puja therapist. Reading of Runes and ancestral medicine.


Deep vibrational technique, which works as a portal that helps understand the intrinsic relationship of things. This work done with crystals connects with our divinity and awakens the will to achieve plenitude, stimulating a transformation process within people on various levels.

Benefits: deep development in the physical, emotional, mental aspects and broad opening on the spiritual plane.


Therapy that seeks to eliminate dense energies that disturb people, due to envy, psychic attacks or dense states due to stress or different conditioning.

Benefits: Raises the level of vibration, promoting harmonization in all areas of daily life.

Healing technique that attracts fluidity in connection with the power of the elements: air, water, earth and fire.

Benefits: relaxation, connection, release and harmonization.

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