Beautiful soul and leader
When choosing a women's retreat, which are often so relational, respect for the retreat leader who sets the tone is paramount for me. Marilena falls on the "ideal" end of the leader spectrum. She's funny, kind, open about her own journey and open-minded about yours, detail-oriented/hyper-organized, and both highly spiritual and simultaneously down-to-earth.
Marilena personally walks the walk. One example with my jet-lagged brain: I am not a vegetarian, but she is...and she practices radical acceptance...including of ants that bite her, relocating them, rather than ending them, as I did. She also offered guests a variety of meat-based dishes daily without judgment, as I am allergic to dairy but enjoy a high-protein, lower carb diet. She always checked with me and the restaurants we ordered from, communicating in Greek for me, re: my dairy allergy and never made it feel like a burden. You can't buy genuine caring/compassion and she cares and goes the extra mile for each person. A leader has this dedication or they don't--Marilena has it in abundance.
Surprisingly, I experienced rather excruciating sciatica, starting the first day of the trip (attributed to the long plane ride). This was a contingency I had certainly not prepared for. Marilena was incredibly sympathetic and I was still able to participate in adapted versions of a great deal of the original itinerary, thanks to her flexibility and tailoring of the program. For instance, when I went into town to a physiotherapist appointment, I was able to meet up for what was ultimately my favorite dinner of the trip afterwards. Ironically, the experience of being so vulnerable while traveling and then cared for so generously by the group, while honestly being a burden/inconvenience, was probably the biggest growth experience for me...and was definitely not on the itinerary ;-) This was only possible because Marilena genuinely cared, was radically inclusive, and was flexible with her plans.
In addition to accommodating my injury and food allergy, she adapted the itinerary to our preferences. For instance, she offered a meditation session, and asked me which of several meditations I'd like first, and then led me in that experience on the spot with accompanying music selection selected for my taste, in a location of my choosing, from options provided. Marilena had delightfully "over-prepared," with indoor options for our continued engagement had the weather made many of our outdoor options impossible. Thankfully, the weather was amazing throughout the trip.
Ms. Georgiou is a sensitive soul who cares deeply about each participants' health/wellness, personal growth, and experience on the retreat. She engages in lighthearted, fun banter at more social times--like meals or taxi rides AND is wholly there for the serious, deep discussions about creating a meaningful life and our place in the universe as well. She also offered interesting Greek and Cyprian cultural insights and stories throughout, enhancing my understanding.
Within a week, I left feeling retreat participants were like friends. I would happily participate in future retreats led by Marilena, and encourage you to experience her sincere dedication to warm hospitality and personal growth as well!
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Marilena personally walks the walk. One example with my jet-lagged brain: I am not a vegetarian, but she is...and she practices radical acceptance...including of ants that bite her, relocating them, rather than ending them, as I did. She also offered guests a variety of meat-based dishes daily without judgment, as I am allergic to dairy but enjoy a high-protein, lower carb diet. She always checked with me and the restaurants we ordered from, communicating in Greek for me, re: my dairy allergy and never made it feel like a burden. You can't buy genuine caring/compassion and she cares and goes the extra mile for each person. A leader has this dedication or they don't--Marilena has it in abundance.
Surprisingly, I experienced rather excruciating sciatica, starting the first day of the trip (attributed to the long plane ride). This was a contingency I had certainly not prepared for. Marilena was incredibly sympathetic and I was still able to participate in adapted versions of a great deal of the original itinerary, thanks to her flexibility and tailoring of the program. For instance, when I went into town to a physiotherapist appointment, I was able to meet up for what was ultimately my favorite dinner of the trip afterwards. Ironically, the experience of being so vulnerable while traveling and then cared for so generously by the group, while honestly being a burden/inconvenience, was probably the biggest growth experience for me...and was definitely not on the itinerary ;-) This was only possible because Marilena genuinely cared, was radically inclusive, and was flexible with her plans.
In addition to accommodating my injury and food allergy, she adapted the itinerary to our preferences. For instance, she offered a meditation session, and asked me which of several meditations I'd like first, and then led me in that experience on the spot with accompanying music selection selected for my taste, in a location of my choosing, from options provided. Marilena had delightfully "over-prepared," with indoor options for our continued engagement had the weather made many of our outdoor options impossible. Thankfully, the weather was amazing throughout the trip.
Ms. Georgiou is a sensitive soul who cares deeply about each participants' health/wellness, personal growth, and experience on the retreat. She engages in lighthearted, fun banter at more social times--like meals or taxi rides AND is wholly there for the serious, deep discussions about creating a meaningful life and our place in the universe as well. She also offered interesting Greek and Cyprian cultural insights and stories throughout, enhancing my understanding.
Within a week, I left feeling retreat participants were like friends. I would happily participate in future retreats led by Marilena, and encourage you to experience her sincere dedication to warm hospitality and personal growth as well!
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