Jenna McDonald

About the Teacher

Why study with them?

As a Mother-scholar currently working on her PhD in Transformative Studies Jenna studies matricentric philosophies, psychedelic integration, and interpersonal neurobiology.

In her vision, the capacity for women to hold ecstatic states for the benefit of evolving human consciousness is under-researched and along with maternal kinship provides a map toward impact-driven, interconnected futures.

She studies how relationships, place, and altered states heal the brain, body, and spirit with a special interest in somatics and attunement to intergenerational, ancestral healing.

Her background is rooted in decades of teaching and practicing connected breathwork and hosting 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training courses - empowering women and men to release the impact of androcentric, late-stage capitalism from the body-mind.

Her focus is on anchoring individuals in their innate gifts while preparing the nervous system to sustain more joy, presence, and power. She is also committed to restoring dignity and reverence to the women of the world and healing the connection between shame, repression, and rage in the masculine.

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