Jaime Delgado

About the Teacher

Why study with them?

In our ayahuasca ceremonies, Jaime stands as a pillar of strength, wisdom and love. As the father of Vanessa and the oldest participant in our ceremonies.
His presence in the ceremonies is like a lighthouse, shedding light into the darkest corners of our souls and illuminating the path to transformation and enlightenment.
With a natural grace and an open heart, Jaime guides participants through the process, always ready to offer support, comfort and an understanding ear. His ability to radiate love and acceptance creates a space where participants feel safe to open up and explore the deepest levels of their inner experience.
Jaime firmly believes that everyone has the power to heal themselves. He sees his role as awakening this inner wisdom and helping participants find the connection to their own source of strength and clarity. With stories from his own life and insights that only time can teach, he inspires everyone to take the courageous step towards self-discovery and spiritual growth.

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