Stephen Allen

About the Teacher

Why study with them?

Through my extensive experience with plant medicine and psychedelics, and having connected with countless individuals on similar journeys, I've recognized the critical importance of the integration process after the initial ceremonies. While these ceremonies can bring about profound shifts and highlight necessary life changes, the essential part of the journey often gets overlooked. This neglect can lead to significant challenges that persist for months or even years. Discussing these experiences can be difficult, leaving many feeling isolated and misunderstood.

We take your insights from your experience and turn them into new beliefs that support what you need, we can process any further memories or traumatic experiences at the subconscious level of the mind leaving you able to move forward in life with this amazing awareness.

Having healed myself on many levels and supported others in their healing journeys for over 13 years, I understand this struggle deeply. I offer integration because it is effective, powerful, and safe, with you and your mind always in the driver’s seat. Whatever changes you desire, you can achieve them. Through our sessions, you will be the one processing and integrating your experiences. Just as plant medicines work through you, so do these processes. I don’t 'do' anything 'to you'; this is a collaborative 'do-with' process. I am here as your partner, helping you bring about the necessary changes for harmony and balance in your life.

When we have direct and instant change in our bio-chemistry and neurological network through these powerful experiences, your biology and perception is now already changed, but many people don't know how to integrate this into their actual life afterwards. On one level it is because the experience may give you what you need to change through information, but it doesn't necessarily address your belief systems that have been running your entire life, this can lead to a misaligned belief system in many ways, this is where we can change this very effectively. On top of that, you may have processed trauma's but there may be many other aspects connected with that that still requires processing and healing.

Your insights and experiences from the ceremonies lay a strong foundation for the changes you need. With the tools and approach we use, we can process and shift practically anything at incredibly fast speeds, all in a safe and appropriate manner.

I have extensive experience with the following working through the daily and weekly developments, and transformations that naturally occur after these experiences.

Psilocybin Mushrooms and Truffles
BUFO - 5 Meo-DMT
Huachuma - San Pedro

*** Testimonials ***
I was stuck in grief at the loss of a very good friend and nothing else was working to release the pain from my body. His techniques and guidance gave me a calm space to move through this. Over the various sessions with him, I moved through different blocks including fear, anxiety, negative thought patterns, and money mindset and we covered a range of issues. Steve is one of my go-to coaches and I highly recommend working with him."
- Pravina

My work with Steve during a very difficult time in my life was definitely worthwhile. It took effort, time, stepping out of my comfort zone, and honest reflection, but the results have been tremendous. My relationships with family & friends have become a lot deeper, and I am a lot more open…. it’s great!! it was certainly my biggest self-improvement focus of 2021, and worth every moment!!"
- Clint

Steve really knows what he’s doing when it comes to quick, effective, transformational techniques. In just one session, I could notice shifts around me and things just getting into flow. After another session, I again found nearly instantaneous results that evening. I don’t know how he does it, but Steve is amazing at what he does and I highly recommend setting up a session with him."
- Rohail

'Working with Steve was such a releasing catharsis. I can not believe what we have accomplished in one session. His insights, his compassion, and his powerful techniques for changing states and stressful situations blew me away. Looking forward to further transforming with Steve! He's one of a kind!'
- Annie

I was lucky enough to have Steve facilitating a Relationship Balance with my beloved sister. A deep relationship filled with so much love and so much pain the same time. The last years we were barely talking to each other. After that Balance, we came much closer and we were suddenly approaching each other with so much more care and understanding. We started a long journey together and on the way we were willing (and able!) to bring in the surface and process small and big wounds of the past. Having back my sister in a healthy and empowering relationship, is one of the biggest gifts I could ask for."
- Rimi

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