Shekhar M.K

About the Teacher

Why study with them?

Shekhar is an inmate, Sadhak at Sri Aurobindo Society.
He has done his Masters in Yoga Therapy from SVYASA and has completed six equivalent
courses from Bihar School of Yoga - Yogam Sharanam, Bhartiya Yog Vidya Dham,
YCMOU – Nashik ashram in the span of year 2001 to 2004.
After reaching to Chartered Accountancy final he decided not to practice the CA although he
had completed his & Diploma in Taxation & Law.
Shekhar perceived his childhood dream, to join the Indian Armed Forces as Lieutenant and
cleared the required tests, but rather preferred not to join the armed forces and devote the life
for the Higher cause of Yoga. This made him to spend several months every year – for 12
years in row - in Himalayas towards the Inner seeking and to explore the Himalayan Yogis.
He has been doing Yoga Therapy since the year 2001 from his Yoga Studio & has been
blessed with making an impact in the life of many people through Yoga Therapy. He joined
Sri Aurobindo Society in the year 2019 to continue his Inner as well as outer endeavour, this
time through Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother to seek his work on the
Physical in the Light of The Mother & to speed up the work of "Divinisation of the Human
Body", how the conventional Yogic practices and processes makes the same happen as per
the guidelines of Sri Aurobindo

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