Arianne Araiz

About the Teacher

Why study with them?

Quantum Rose Healing and Cacao Ceremonies

Having gone through her own profound healing journey, Arianne Araiz has gained the insights and wisdom needed to guide others. Through her personal path of self-discovery and healing, she has been able to help others reconnect with their higher selves and find their own paths to healing and inner balance.

The Way of the Rose

Quantum Rose Healing is a transformative practice that harmonizes every aspect of the self—physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, subtle, and divine. This holistic approach helps individuals realign with their true essence of love, remembering that who we are and where we come from is Divine Love, our Divine Consciousness. The healing process involves a conversation with one’s higher divine essence, where Arianne Araiz facilitates the communion between the individual and their higher self. Through this connection, individuals can understand and heal hidden inner wounds that are ready to be released, allowing them to continue their path home—toward their heart and Divine Love Consciousness.

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