Kip Jerger

About the Teacher

Why study with them?

My name is Kip Jerger, and I am a spiritual teacher and Healer with Extensive experience in Middle Eastern studies, extreme surfing, Reiki, yoga, chakra work, and spiritual Channeling.

I am dedicated to guiding, healing, and raising awareness to help you line with your true path at this moment. My focus is to support people in connecting with their heart and their spirit guide through meditation and transformative practices. This work is an integral part of my life and I’m here to help you deep in your spiritual journey, find clarity, and achieve in peace.

Origin Story:
My story begins in 1953, born in the poverty stricken area of San Pedro, California. Delivered at home by my father, my upbringing was tough as my father was rarely home to raise me and my siblings. As a result, we all endured significant hardship. The ocean became both a refuge and a near death experience. I survived 12 near death drownings during my career as a professional surfer and lifeguard. Despite these dangers, the ocean ultimately became a source of salvation for me through my participation in swimming, surfing and lifeguard competitions.

The Turning Point:
After attending eight different schools in three different countries, serving as a rough water ocean lifeguard for 45 years, I felt a deep sense of unfulfillment and knew there had to be something more to life.

In 1987, I experienced a severe chest pain that felt like an elephant was sitting on my chest. After unsuccessful treatments with acupuncture and massage, I was invited to an ascended master meeting led by Cheryl Gerber, who channeled the Council of Light. During the session I felt the energy shift in the room to a higher, vibrant, and happy lightness. The Council of Light provided clear, grounded, and intelligent answers to my questions and in that moment, my heart chakra was unblocked. The chest pain vanished, leading me to continuous studies with a Council of Light for four more years.

A new Path: Spiritual Growth:
My experience with the Council of Light opened a new chapter in my life. I became eager to learn more about spirituality, delving deeply into spiritual text, including reading the Ayurveda Medical Encyclopedia multiple times. I also studied with various spiritual masters to enhance my understanding of mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual growth. My heart was now fully open, and I realized that my life’s work was to teach others how to open their hearts and release negative thought patterns from their past.

A Profound Out- of- Body Experience:
During a meditation session in Venice, California in 1987, I had a remarkable out of body experience. I encountered a tall, white male entity with a big hook nose, long, black hair, and a flowing white robe. This being introduced himself as Love and radiated a familiar uplifting and illuminating energy. Love and I communicated telepathically and the entity revealed that my desire to push myself physically in world class sports like surfing and lifeguarding competitions stemmed from a past life trauma occurring in the 17th century. My wife and daughter were tragically killed, and in my grief, I swore I would never love again. Love explained to me that I had returned in this lifetime to learn how to open my heart to love once more and to teach others to do the same.

My Mission Teaching and Healing:
This profound spiritual revelation led to my life’s purpose. Channeling, an ancient method of communication with spirit, became my passion. My mission is to teach people how to access alternative spiritual techniques to release emotional and mental blocks, open their hearts, and live with more love and authenticity.

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