About the Teacher
Why study with them?
I’m Joanna Ngalula, a writer, manager and yoga teacher, but first, a woman who hit the wall a few too many times to ignore that something had to change. A rare illness diagnosis, some breakdowns, and a few life crises along the way pushed me to look inward. I used to run so fast, like the treadmill was on an endless loop and I was always behind.
It wasn’t until I hit a breaking point that I finally stopped and listened—to my body, to the stillness within. I set boundaries with people, work, and anything that drained me—and in doing so, I slowly found my way back to myself. I began reclaiming my time, truly valuing it—not just by what I did, but by how I spent it and who I shared it with. I stopped feeling guilty for putting myself first, because I realised: you can’t pour from an empty cup. Yoga, meditation, and inner reflection, accompanied me on this truth seeking journey and together with writing, helped me to sort through and peel back the layers of who I had been told to be—some of which -layers- no longer served me.
I started asking myself: What is truly mine? What part of me has been shaped by others’ expectations, and what part is authentically me? What do I want to do with this one limited life ? Do I want to keep on running so fast and missing the beauty and magic of life ? Is my value based on what I do or on who I am at my core?
This journey led me to Saya Luce, a project born from my desire to help others find their own light, their own truth, and reclaim their power.
Saya Luce – words of heart. Saya means I in Bahasa, Indonesia, where my spiritual journey started. It brings the emphasis on the what we are. A question meant to be asked and answered by one. What we are underneath all the layers inherited and formed by family, culture and society. It’s the process of unlearning what doesn’t serve us, releasing the weight of expectations placed on us by others.
Luce, on the other hand, from her latin origin Lucem, means light in Italian. It has been here chosen to remind us of our true nature - our inherent brilliance, and of what is found on the other side of fear, sadness and anxiety. An invitation to look within and reconnect with what is true - for us.
I am committed, through Saya Luce, to creating and holding spaces for you to reconnect with your true self, slowly, for you to explore the layers of identity that have come to shape you, for you to deeply rest and heal and to embrace your unique journey with calm and confidence.