I am Gustavo Gnosis, co-founder of Cobra Journey. My journey began with an innate curiosity to understand the nuances of human communication. I remember, at just 7 years old, stopping to listen to family discussions, fascinated by deciphering how misunderstandings arose.
This passion for understanding the human mind led me to specialize in Applied Positive Psychology, and my insatiable artistic curiosity led me to train at Academia D Art Valencia, Spain. For over eight years, I have guided transformative retreats across Europe and South America, specifically in Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Italy, Turkey, Mexico, Colombia, Uruguay, Romania, Argentina, and Greece, accompanying people from all over the world to find their purpose through the combination of psychotherapy supported by shamanic medicines and music.
Sweden became my second home, inspiring me with its philosophy of accessibility and order. There, I understood the importance of making personal transformation accessible to everyone, just as Spotify did with music and IKEA with design.
At Cobra Journey, I don't offer a path to enlightenment, but an invitation to stop searching. I dedicate myself to helping those who have reached the top but still feel empty, to understand the reality that often goes unnoticed. I firmly believe that the harmony of all parts is the key for fluidity to manifest with ease.
My approach combines psychotherapeutic techniques with music as a healing tool. My guitar and voice act as catalysts, unblocking stagnation and facilitating the expansion of consciousness.
I invite you to join our retreats at Cobra Journey, where together we will explore the art of living authentically, accepting life as it is, with all its imperfections and contradictions. Discover how transformation occurs day by day, in every moment.
Come and find your true self with us.
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