In a previous life I completed a PhD and worked as a religious studies researcher in Swedish academia, but for the last five years I have been living as a nomad and putting most of my energy into organising queer community for radical faerie spaces in France and Spain. I have offered numerous workshops at faerie gatherings and I am always amazed at what happens when people open up and let their authentic, messy selves shine.
My love of travel and curiosity for other cultures has led me to live for extensive periods of time in three different continents and learn a bunch of languages. Of particular interest to me are the ways in which we can create ritual as a catalyst for personal and collective transformation.
I hold a BA in literature and I graduated from a course in creative writing at the Writer’s School of the Ateneu in Barcelona. When I am not traveling or organising, I crave going back to my writing practice. After a memoir and a novel, I am currently working on a collection of short stories.
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