Yaahoo Baba
About the Teacher
Why study with them?
As a child Yaahoo Baba grew up with a strict yoga practice, attending a yoga school until his late teen years. In 1999 he began to explore Reiki, and became a Reiki master a few years later. After this, Baba was introduced to Osho where he was able to deeply explore the techniques and wisdom of Zen, Tantra, Sufism, Bhakti, Bardo, and various mediations. He spent over a decade working on and experimenting with these practices.
Alongside this period of time, Baba’s satori happened by the grace of his master Sri Sarvadaman Banerjee and Baba’s enlightenment happened through his master Sri Mooji Baba.
Seven years after his enlightenment, he started Satsang where Anatta Sangha and Anatta Kirtan were born.
Yaahoo Baba has dedicated his life for the awakening of every being. Read More
Alongside this period of time, Baba’s satori happened by the grace of his master Sri Sarvadaman Banerjee and Baba’s enlightenment happened through his master Sri Mooji Baba.
Seven years after his enlightenment, he started Satsang where Anatta Sangha and Anatta Kirtan were born.
Yaahoo Baba has dedicated his life for the awakening of every being. Read More