John P. Milton is a pioneering ecologist, spiritual teacher, meditation master, vision quest leader and shaman. John's vision quest and shamanic work began in the mid-1940's, after experiencing his first vision quest at the age of seven. Since the 1950's, John has guided thousands of people into the wilderness, sharing with them experiences and practices that cultivate a profound connection with Nature and, ultimately, Source Awareness. Over the years, many have sought his profound transmissions and powerful yet gentle Qigong teachings, T'ai Chi training, meditation practices, internal alchemy training, shamanic processes and Sacred Passage programs. John continues to live, explore and lead wilderness trainings in many of the Earth's wild and sacred places. Through Way of Nature, he offers Nature Quests, Sacred Passages, Advanced Awareness Trainings, as well as custom programs and retreats, for both individuals and groups.
John has pioneered for western civilization a unique, vital way of spiritual cultivation in Nature that ripens in a deep ecological experience of Communion with all species, and with Mother Earth herself. His training is deeply informed by direct teachings from many of the world's outstanding spiritual teachers and lineages. From this comprehensive background, John has created and essentialized a path of key principles and disciplines that flow from Universal Source. He calls this path the Way of Nature. From this path, John has developed the Twelve Guiding Principles of Natural Liberation, which naturally unfold as one experiences Way of Nature's foundational quest, Sacred Passage.
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