With over 30 years experience Miguel has learnt and continues to practice Ayahuasca, Wachuma, Andean Shamanism, Tibetan Dzogchen, Sikh Devotional Meditation and North American Traditions such as Beautiful Painted Arrow's Sun/Moon Dance (now in its 22 year) , Sweat Lodge and Long-Dance Ceremonies, etc; all with Respect, Love, Devotion and Surrender, Connected Whole-Heartedly to the Divine Presence and Flowing with and sharing its Light for the Benefit of all beings. Holds a safe, caring, loving and liberating ritual space.He was blessed with a Direct and Life-Transforming Revelation/Visionary Experience with the Condor and Eagle Prophecy and the m manifestation of the Divine Presence which since then infused his work and all of Sacha Runa Community's Ceremonies and Retreats with is Grace, Beauty, Love and Liberating Power to connect to source and manifest our destiny .An ever curious explorer of the infinite possibilities and unique gifts of all the peoples of the earth, Miguel has explored and shared with many communities around the world, traveling extensively, both as student, fellow traveller and teacher, being among the first to conduct ayahuasca and wachuma workshops for western audiences en EU, USA, Canada , Peru and his native Bolivia. Later he chose to be based in Bolivia, his homeland, where his strongest connections are, and where spirit guided him to be, to share the powerful healing and transformative energies that lie therein.About twelve years ago Miguel had a very profound and liberating experience with the Vision of the Condor and the Eagle Prophecy and the manifestation of the Divine Presence, which since then has accompanied his work and become his main source of inspiration to share with all who come.Miguel founded the Sacha Runa Healing Community about 25 years ago, and has trained many generation of shamans, both Bolivian and from many other countries, and continues to guide and uphold the community, while pleased to share with some magnificent souls that have joined are do great healing work together, as well as with the many visitors, national and international who come for healing, guidance and inspiration.He has kept a very low profile working mostly with Bolivians and visitors coming through , but the tima has come and the team is ready so share the fruit of the labour of have slowly cultivated for so many years and call onto all who wish to connect wholeheartedly with their own Supreme Source and Learn to be in the Presence of the Divine Light, with humbleness, devotion, commitment and courage, and a true calling to service, to come join us in the Bolivian retreats for some pure, pristine, sacred, divine and most liberating and wondrous spiritual magicThere is something very special happening in Bolivia, kept under the radar until now and ready to be shared with the world by the Sacha-Runa Shamanic Healing Community Warriors of the New Time. Shamanic Healing and Training Retreat (21 days) BOLIVIAN ANDES & AMAZON September and December 1-22. Sacha Runa team working for more than 30 years serving with Respect, Love, Devotion, Surrender to help people connect to the Light and their inner truth, manifest their potential and fulfill their destiny. Connect to Source, Receive Vision and Wisdom, and Bless All of Creation. Also, 7 and 15 day retreats every month, and individual ceremonies on Wednesdays and Saturdays at both Andean and Amazonian Locations.In 2006, Miguel Kavlin, the founder of the Sacha Runa Healing Community had a revelation of the Condor and Eagle Prophecy manifest to him at the ceremonial Healing Chamber in the Bolivian Andes. This is how he describes it: “I had always wondered if all these talk about the Condor and the Eagle Prophecies was only marketing and someone's invention, but in that ceremony I decided to find out for myself. I decided to hold a Condor feather in one hand and an Eagle feather on the other, and seek to integrate them in my consciousness. My consciousness in fact took a leap of some kind, I entered another state, and remember saying out loud: "Now the Condor and the Eagle have comer together". Moments later, a most amazing thing happened, a Sublime Presence manifested in the room, not with a form but with a magnificent, noble, benevolent and powerful tangible presence. At that point I could do no more than prostrate myself flat on the floor, for I felt I was in the presence of the Divine, and that presence was a great blessing onto all who were there. I had never experienced the Andes Mountains, the stars, the earth and all energies aligned in such a state of grace and blessing before. The message it conveyed is that the Messiah is here (Pachakuti the natives call it), that the New Earth and the New Heaven are here and now. The Messiah is this Divine Presence that is accessible to all who wish to connect, serve and bring compassion, bliss and peace to their lives. Slowly but surely, that presence began to manifest more and more often in all the various ceremonies that we perform, including the sweat-lodge, Sun-Moon Dance and others and also in my daily meditations and everyday life. This presence has also touched many of my companions on the path who participate with me in ceremonies. It is this Divine Presence which later brought me to meet Babaji Baldev Singh, who embodies and exemplifies the state I had experienced in the Kiva, and a is a clear channel for, and a passageway to that state of Grace. I have devoted much time since to undergo my personal transformation, seeking to embody one day that state of grace. I believe it is both our destiny and our birthright, our possibility and our obligation to do so, and that we keep on reincarnating over and over again until we achieve this. In this troubled times, it behooves all spiritual worriers to endeavor to achieve this in our lifetime!!!!!”” Those who feel this call and are willing to do what it takes, are welcome to come to BOLIVIA, the best kept secret of south America, where something very special and sacred has been developing and coming to fruition under the radar for the last 30 years under the tuition of the Sacha Runa Healing Community working for more than 30 years integrating many spiritual traditions of south and north, as well as east and west, to bring humanity together as ONE, serving with Respect, Love, Devotion, Surrender to help people safely but powerfully connect to the Divine Light and their inner truth, manifest their potential and fulfill their destiny as beacons of Light working for the benefit of all sentient beings.
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