Hi, everyone. I joined Psychonauta foundation camp at beginning of may for 9 day Amazon retreat and totally changed my view of the world I live in and my life. With all my honesty I feel like my ceremony started from the first minute I step in to the jungle and connect with Mother Nature until I left it 9 days later. First time in the jungle ever, first time outside Europe and the first feeling I get was, “finally I came back home “
Organisers in the camp where so warm,welcoming and helpful explaining everything so good before the ceremony,that when I was struggling during my first ceremony, “I got lost in time and space” I could hear the hints and clues in my head given by them before the ceremony how to work with it witch massively helped me go through. Most important role of course played shamans and their Ikaros, the holy songs that will elevate you to different dimensions,universes,worlds filling Maloka your heart,body,mind and soul with something so beautiful so warm and pleasant that is so hard to describe in words, filling of being privileged sitting in the same room with such holly spirits was unreal. And all above that you will get one to one, face to face individual healing ceremony witch you never want to end. After the ceremony people you just met yesterday become your brothers and sisters, unbelievable. I just wanted to hug them all and thank them for experiencing it together. All the ceremonies took place at night witch help you see much more than you could see during the brightest day. and the simple ,raw and unglamorous way but in the same time so marvellous and beautiful place the camp was set,unimaginably played the massive role,today more than 5 weeks after I left the jungle I’m still Learning new lessons everyday and spreading love and peace of mind wherever I can. I’m not good talker but I’m Hoping that someone will get a little bit of that feeling I did. Will recommend to everybody. Love
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