Shivanand - Albert Aponte

About the Teacher

Why study with them?

Over 30 year Experience in guiding groups to exotic spiritual journeys, Meditation and healing therapies. Yoga, Buddhism, Inca Shamanism, Amazonian Shamanism. He kas worked with a multi-national team of therapists around the world. He has created many therapeutic processes, including the Shamanic and other Social Meditations. "There are three jewels that I cherish: compassion, moderation, and humility. With compassion, you will be able to be brave, With moderation, you will be able to give to others, With humility, you will be able to become a great leader.To abandon compassion while seeking to be brave, or abandoning moderation while being benevolent, or abandoning humility while seeking to lead will only lead to greater trouble. The compassionate warrior will be the winner, and if compassion is your defense you will be secure. Compassion is the protector of Heavens salvation."

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