Jhoselyn Escobar

About the Teacher

Why study with them?

It was the Tsáchilas who introduced her to the first cacao plant in all its stages, since then she has worked with agricultural projects, being able to learn the importance of connection of earth to cosmos..

Feeling the call of the Ilaló back in 2020, she was accredited with 500 hours RYT at Durga’s Tiger School; since then she works as a Kaula Tantra Yoga teacher, supporting meditations, and other diverse classes in addition to managing the space in Ecuador.

Durgas Tiger School was the seed that opened the tantric path, ¨ Tantra says do anything you want with consciousness and love. This has become her life philosophy. ¨ Tantra helps me to walk the path of the heart¨

Jhoselyn has taken an intensive Tantra course with the Sky Dancing Tantra Institute exploring the meaning of Love and Ecstasy, she is a Reiki practitioner and holds a bachelor in Business and French, a Master in Agribusiness and Rural Development. Read More

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