Julia Marossero

About the Teacher

Why study with them?

Con 10 años de estudio y trabajo en la psicologia convencional, formandome especialmente en terapias contextuales y mindfulness, llego a Bufo hace alrededor de 2 años casi por casualidad. O bufo llega a mi. Como sea, un regalo... desafiante en un principio, empujandome a aprender mucho de un "nuevo mundo" para mi, buscando la forma de entender lo que sucedia con la medicina desde mi antiguo paradigma. Hasta que logre entender que durante mis 10 años de carrera profesional lo que siempre hice, fue guiar a mis clientes a que construyan la vida que deseaban vivir, vidas plenas, con proposito, amor, consciencia. Y ese es el regalo que Bufo da en cada ceremonia, A cada uno que toma la medicina y a mi... por permitirme ser un puente en esa experiencia tan magica, que sin duda llena de proposito y sentido mi vida ahora.


With 10 years of study and work on conventional psychology, training especially in contextual therapies and mindfulness, I came to Bufo Alvarius Sanctuary about 2 years ago almost by chance. Or bufo comes to me. Anyway, a gift... challenging at first, pushing me to learn a lot about this entirely new world for me, looking for a way to understand what was happening with the medicine from my old paradigm. Until I managed to understand that during my 10 years of professional career what I always did was guide my clients to build the life they wanted to live, full lives, with purpose, love, consciousness. And that is the gift that Bufo gives in each ceremony, to each one who takes the medicine and to me... for allowing me to be a bridge in that magical experience, which undoubtedly fills my life with purpose and meaning. Read More

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