Dr. Johnathan Flores

About the Teacher

Why study with them?

I am a Physician specialized in Ancestral Medicine.
My path begins when I was little with the teachings of my grandmother "Diosita". A wise Colombian woman who taught me the relationship with plants and the world of the invisible, the power to conjure and recognize the presence of the sacred in everything.

For over 16 years, in parallel to my career at Med school, I trained as a Medicine Man in the Jungle of the Ecuadorian Amazon and the Andes Mountains.
In addition, I am Reiki Master and Chi Kung / Kung Fu devoted practitioner. I believe in the teachings of TAO as much as Buddhism and my ancestral heritage.

Thanks to the guidance of Plant Medicine I created my own healing method named CET Method® (Comprehensive Emotional Therapy). Where I combine ancestral knowledge with modern coaching techniques.

7 years ago, together with my wife, I founded Nina Wasi.
Nowadays I work as a Researcher, Psychedelic Therapist, Intuitive Coach, Music Therapist, Reiki Master, and Biz Mentor, with people from all over the globe. Guiding them to resolve trauma, emotional barriers, life stagnation, lack of purpose between other diseases of this era.

I love learning. Nowadays I am part of the Ottawa University. I participate in classes in the Psychedelics and Spirituality Studies Initiative.
I am also a Certified Addiction Therapist.

Also, I recently released a Podcast. When we share about life and Plant Medicine teachings.

Please, give it a quick listen here: https://podcasts.apple.com/ec/podcast/ancestral-medicine-for-modern-times/id1493146273

I work online(developing Healing Sessions) and in-person (with Plant Medicine Private programs).

Our retreats and programs are framed in the CET Method.
In the CET Sessions, you will release stuck emotions that you didn't know you have inside, you will reconnect with old memories hidden in you allowing them to express and go.
That will bring you a clear answer about what you have to do to overcome what is holding you back. Moving forward to liberation and peace.

But most of it, I am a father, a family man. And my compromise is to create the best world possible for the upcoming generations. That´s my everyday mindset.

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