About the Teacher

Why study with them?

Rachel Pringle is an artist, author of Wild Open, and a Dynamic Tantra Teacher - Illuminating The Path of Sensual Mysticism. She has over 15 years of experience in human development, somatic healing and energetic reprogramming. She specializes in the transformative depths of Tantric Embodiment, CoDevotional Communication, Self Intimacy, Mysticism in the Tantric Realm and Love in Partnership. Rachel possesses an extraordinary gift for illuminating the path to love in partnership, unleashing the power of sensual presence, and facilitating the full integration of the subconscious mind and meeting your instinctual power of aligned embodiment.

As an energetic mastery specialist, Rachel will attune you to the frequencies of energy, awakening the dormant potential within your subtle body. She weaves a tapestry of healing, empowerment, and self-genius, realigning your physical and energetic form to unlock limitless energy and profound confidence.

Her mission in life is to guide you towards your deepest empowerment, enabling you to live a life of purpose and fulfillment.

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