Paula Arranz - Mujer Naturaleza (Woman Nature)

About the Teacher

Why study with them?

Creator of “Mujer Naturaleza” (Woman Nature). Lover of nature, ancient wisdom, music, dancing, traveling, painting and enjoying life. Certified Life Coach specialized in women, Menstrual and Integral Cyclicality Therapist, Facilitator of Womb and Uterine Memories Healing, Certified Teacher of Ovarian Breathing, Feminine Alchemy, Feminine Alchemical Breathing, Sacred Tantra and Herbalism.

She accompanies women and men in their journeys of Self-Knowledge and Healing. These processes take us to remember our Feminine Nature, Wisdom and Healing power that each of us have within. Through this, we return to the Divine Expression that we are, connecting with our bodies: the temple where the Alchemy and Magic can happen. This journey opens us, allows us to blossom and reconnects us to our Divine Feminine and Masculine and the & Creative Energy. Through this process we open our Hearts and elevate our Consciousness, experiencing and embodying the integration of ourselves as Whole and Complete.

Paula’s work integrates meditation, archetypal wisdom and embodiment, breath-work, movement, dance, yoni eggs, medicinal herbs, oracle cards and art-therapy. She accompanies one on one processes, facilitate courses, workshops, women´s circles, transformational retreats and participate in national and international wellness festivals.

You can connect and know more about her:

IG: @mujernaturalezapau

Fb: @MujerNaturalezaPau

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