Alisha J. Flecky

About the Teacher

Why study with them?

The calling for the divine feminine in Alisha has been so strong, it has taken her on a journey she could never have imagined!

Alisha has been immersed in sacred feminine practices since 2010, taking her on an intimate inner journey through Thailand, India, Brazil, Italy and Bali, diving into the arts of yoga, tantra, embodiment & meditation. She is the author of "The Divine Feminine Journal", a guided journaling experience into your divine feminine essence.

Grounded and practical, Alisha loves accessible methods to discover your inner sacred feminine essence.

The heart of what drives Alisha is this deep immersion into the divine feminine, to understand and experience this mystery.

She is Hatha/tantra yoga certified with 500hours RYF certification and also a certified Mystical Dance Teacher in Monika Nataraj's shakti training.

Alisha recently completed a 2-year training in Shri Vidya under the guidance of Nita Rubio, which immersed her through mantra, puja, and visualizations into the powerful teachings of the Mahavidyas, the wisdom goddesses of India.

Alisha has also studied with Guruji Raj Kumar Baswar, white tantric master who blessed her with her first "Ma Festival" (festival to the Goddess), living yantra building, and other tantric methods.

Since 2013, Alisha has been practicing and studying what she considers to be her core feminine practice, the true Yoga of the Feminine, called, "The Tantric Dance of Feminine Power" under the guidance of Vajra Ma and Nita Rubio.

This is a subtle body dance led by pleasure and the mystery of the womb. The Dance has shown her the tremendous power that lies inside of all women.

One of Alisha's most beloved teachers recently passed away - Leela, who was an Osho sanyasin that taught Alisha to embrace her inner masculine as well as her inner feminine. Leela deeply embodied an aspect of the Divine Feminine for which Alisha had always been seeking - unconditional love & acceptance.

Today Alisha is based in Los Angeles, and works as a women's coach using Hakomi skills of mindfulness-based somatic inquiry.

She offers retreats & workshops internationally that allow for women to dive deeply into themselves.

Alisha Flecky

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