Daniel Ponchaud

About the Teacher

Why study with them?

My journey to here has been a long one but really started in 2016 the truth is I was at rock bottom not for the first time in my life but this time I felt I had nothing left to give. I was stuck in addiction and had made my self extremely ill from the life style I was leading. A few things happened to me at the same time that changed the road I was walking.

I was gifted a book called the power of now and I was told I had type 1 diabetes and would have to take medication the rest of my life to survive ( I'm currently in my 4 th year not taking insulin) whilst reading the book I realised a lot of what I thought about life was true and the feeling of chaos I was feeling really had nothing to do with my surroundings it was totally my fault.
The book showed me how to free my mind and the first time I meditated properly it was more than magical it was liberating.

From that moment I saw how my thoughts could create any future I wanted, I saw myself in a huge city walking around in a suit with a purpose, At the same time I started using the Wim Hof method, cutting the story short 6 months later I had my own Amazon company and was living in china with everything I could've ever wanted.

For years everything went extremely well I travelled the world and ended up in Spain just before COVID hit.
Like many around the world COVID basically shut my business down and I could feel the chaos coming back, I've always been sensitive to people around me and all the pain around me became a bit much I needed to learn how to control the feelings inside of me.

An opportunity arose for me to move to Poland in the forest near the German boarder.
It's here that I learned really who I am and why my life had been the way it was.
I found my magic within and the reason I had always had such an amazing connection with nearly everyone who came to my life.

I began doing ceremonies in Poland to begin with, with people I already knew understanding what I was doing and in a sense training to become who I knew I was meant to be.
Since then I have thrown my self in learning about the magic I have and that of the people I meet and help.
Really I've been doing this for a very long time but didn't no what it meant now I do and have set up the perfect place to bring people and teach them like myself how to help themselves.

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