Audrey Ayito

About the Teacher

Why study with them?

Audrey, the visionary behind Bwiti Roots, is deeply rooted in her Bwiti Disumba Fang lineage, tracing back to her mother’s side. Her mother, Séraphine, a revered Nima (Bwiti Shaman), passed away in 1999 when Audrey was just twelve years old, residing in France at the time. In her final moments, Séraphine expressed her heartfelt wish to be laid to rest in her village in Gabon. Honoring this poignant request, Audrey’s father embarked on a journey to Gabon after Séraphine’s passing.

Initially, Audrey struggled to comprehend why her mother had chosen to be buried so far away, as she identified primarily with her French upbringing and had limited awareness of her Gabonese heritage. Nonetheless, a strong connection to Gabon persisted within her, courtesy of her mother’s presence there.

Despite Séraphine’s physical absence, her profound bond with Audrey remained unyielding. As Audrey matured, an increasingly compelling force urged her to visit her mother’s grave in Gabon. Eventually, she undertook the voyage, an expedition that would unveil her true identity, ancestral roots, and purpose in life.

Awaiting Audrey since her mother’s passing was her Gabonese family, who instinctively knew she would return to fulfill her destined role. During her initial visit to Gabon, Audrey underwent an initiation guided by her aunt, Mamou, a Bwiti Nima. By the end of this transformative experience, Audrey sensed the imminent transformation of her entire existence. Subsequently, upon returning to the United Kingdom, she relinquished her corporate career and shed all inauthentic aspects of her life, creating space to pursue her genuine purpose —the same purpose that had resonated through countless generations of women before her.

Today, Audrey embodies her role as a Nganga, a facilitator of Bwiti iboga ceremonies. With her profound ancestral connection, she holds sacred space, both in the earthly realm and the spirit world, ensuring safe passages for all participants. Serving as a bridge between realms, Audrey’s presence guarantees secure and transformative journeys for those who seek them.

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