Oliver Farago

About the Teacher

Why study with them?

I dream about a world where we really care, listen and see each other because for a long time I didn’t feel seen. I am looking forward to a society where we let ourself be guided by curiosity to get the essence of our fellow humans because for a long time I didn’t feel heard.

I’m longing for people who have the magical words and attitude to make each other feel welcome, safe and acknowledged and therefore comfortable to completely let go and open up because for a long time I didn’t feel welcome when I opened up.

I imagine a lifestyle where we relate on an eye level and connect deeply on a heart level because for a long time I didn’t feel connected and appreciated. Like that our biggest treasures that we had to suppress in our early days can surface, be recognised and given to others to enrich their lives because for a long time I also didn't know how to enrich other people's lives.

I wonder what the world would be like if we all connected to our inner guidance, intuition and inspiration so that external authorities would become obsolete?

I dream about a world where we can be authentic and freely express our inner movements. Our fears, our sadness, our grief, our shame, our guilt and our anger without attacking or blaming anybody else for it and assuming the responsibility.

I envision a world where we communicate our projections to find out that they aren't real while everything is met with understanding and curiosity without trying to fix us so we can go deeper and get to the real cause underneath and dissolve or integrate it.

A world where we recognise each other's gifts and talents and have the courage to express our appreciation in order to empower and uplift and create the world where everybody has their place without competing with each other.

For a lot of time my biggest pain has been to not feel seen and heard and my feelings not being acknowledged and validated. So what makes me feel most alive and my heart sing is to offer the medicine for that pain to others.

What makes you feel most alive and your heart sing?

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