Curtis Smith

About the Teacher

Why study with them?

Curtis is the Co-Founder of Inward Travel and passionate about Plant Medicine and the positive impacts they can have on individuals and the world as a whole.

Curtis had his first big psychedelic experience more than 25 years ago at the age of 18 with psilocybin mushrooms. That one night opened his perception to something greater than he had understood to that point in his life, and he gained a clarity which encouraged him to follow his dreams, rather than settling for job simply to earn a salary.

Curtis took the inspiration from mushrooms and founded a travel company called Free & Easy Traveler, which went on to take thousands of people/year to more than 20 countries around the world.

Psilocybin mushrooms continued to be a medicine and teacher throughout Curtis' adult life and in 2015, he had the chance to sit with Ayahuasca. This would be the start of a new chapter in Curtis' journey,, where he felt a calling to be of greater service in helping humanity to connect more deeply with nature and mother earth.

Travel had always provided epic life changing moments, but Plant Medicine opened our minds beyond the programming of our society in which we've grown up and to see deeper truths about ourselves and about nature. With these truths, Curtis believes that humanity is capable of creating a more beautiful world that our hearts know is possible, and thus was the birth of Inward Travel.

Curtis has been a part of leading more than 200 groups and brings that experience to creating a beautiful trip experience for our groups. He is passionate about each individual's growth and healing and is committed to providing an incredible experience for all.

As with Free & Easy Traveler in the early days, Curtis is currently participating on every Inward Travel journey.

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