Francisco Sira Alvarez

About the Teacher

Why study with them?

Francisco Sira is an auxiliary physiotherapist by profession.
He began his Chi Kung practice in 1996 in Venezuela and reached the black belt of Chi Kung Baguazhang in 2001, a Yoga practitioner since 1998 and was certified as an Ashtanga Yoga Master in 2005, Swaroopa Yoga in 2006, and Restorative Yoga in 2008.
Ayurvedic Massage Therapist with more than 20 years of experience and pioneer in Yoga for Prisons - (Prison Yoga Project) - in Mexico, Colombia and Peru.
He lived in the original community of Northern Mexico Conca'ac where for 1 year he learned the traditions and rituals of the tribe in 2013.
In 2015 he worked as an assistant and Translator for the Shaman of Shipibo origin at the Arkana Ayahuasca Center in Iquitos Peru and in Cusco Peru.

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