Dr. Zuzana Sebkova-Thaller

About the Teacher

Why study with them?

Dr. Zuzana Sebkova-Thaller is a doctor of art history, mother of 7 children and grandmother of many times. She is one of the pioneers of Qigong and Chan Mi Gong in Europe, is a trainer and founder of new disciplines such as “Qigong with children and young people”, “Qigong during pregnancy and childbirth”, “Qigong for MS” and “Shamanigong."  Zuzana Sebkova-Thaller is the author and actress of many films about Qigong and Chan Mi Gong.  She's also conducted a wide range of research into the enduring effects of Qigong and Chan Mi Gong on physical, mental and spiritual health.

In “Schamanigong” Zuzana has been bringing together Far Eastern energetic methods, shamanism and science for many years in order to “serve life through synergies.”  In fact, she has over 40 years of experience working with Shamanic methods.  She's led shamanic workshops all over the world; alongside healers from Tibet, Mongolia, North America, to name a few.  She is now working within "the Art of Synthesis" brining together her 77+ years of life experience.

She has three websites that provide insight into her work:
www.qigongweg.de, www.zuzanaszauberwelt.de and www.kraftvideos.de.

Zuzana attended a retreat with Pisatahua in 2023 and we immediately realized she had to return in a teaching capacity.  We feel blessed to be able to work alongside her and bring this opportunity to our guests.



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