Anderson Manihuari

About the Teacher

Why study with them?

Meet Anderson Manihuari, Luis Rimachi's son-in-law and one of his most dedicated and attentive students. Deeply influenced by the ancestral wisdom of his father-in-law, Anderson has dedicated his life to honouring and preserving the healing traditions of the Amazon.

With an open mind and a receptive heart, Anderson has explored the process of integration between traditional Amazonian medicine and the Western context. Through his experience and experimentation, he has sought to find a harmonious balance between these two perspectives, recognising the importance of both on the path to holistic health and wellness.

A devoted student, Anderson has eagerly absorbed the teachings of Luis Rimachi, learning not only the secrets of medicinal plants and sacred rituals, but also the values of humility, respect and connection with nature that are fundamental to the practice of healing in the Amazon.

Today, Anderson Manihuari is a respected healer in his own community, valued for his deep understanding of indigenous traditions and his ability to adapt and evolve in an ever-changing world. His dedication to serving others and his commitment to integrating different forms of healing make him an invaluable bridge between the worlds of traditional medicine and Western science.

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