Alejandro Atzel

About the Teacher

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Nationality: Mexican/Spanish
Languages: Spanish, English, French, German, Italian, Catalan, Portugues

I was born in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico. I have lived outside of Mexico: in Europe, the Maghreb, Asia, and other Latin American countries. Currently I have been in contact with ayahuas- ca for about seven years and six facilitating medicine in sacred ceremonies.

My spiritual journey through meditation techniques, yoga, tantra and ancient medicines have led me to personal develo- pment following the teachings of spiritual teachers from diffe- rent traditions.

Previously of my work with ayahuasca, I’ve participated in international development cooperation projects on social and cultural issues in Latin America, Europe and the Arab world.

I was trained as an “ayahuasquero teacher” in the Peruvian Amazon, according to the Shipibo tradition. Currently have the MEDIANTI: a group Ancestral Medicines of the Earth where we seek the integral development of people and the restoration of health in different aspects of individuals: physical, mental and spiritual

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