Ammy Plex

About the Teacher

Why study with them?

ARCHETYPE: Loyal caregiver. Devoted and compassionate listener. Nurturing and empathetic server.

PERSONAL JOURNEY: Growing up in a fairytale forest in Sweden I experienced the healing power of nature at an early age. With a curious and sensitive mind, I craved the balance between the stimulus of a big city and the healing source of nature. After burnout at twenty-five, I found healing in yoga and meditation and practice daily since 2011. The path of deep inner work and spiritual practice became my medicine.

Yoga and meditation felt like coming home to my body. A place where I could breathe and my anxious mind could go quiet. As I could feel the intense healing process after my burnout I went to classes four times a week.

After a challenge of daily practice 100 days in a row I studied a 1-year teacher training for the international ISHTA-yoga in Stockholm. Training with well-known teachers such as Swedish Ulrica Norberg and Sarah and Alan Finger from New York City. ISHTA stands for Integrated Science of Hata, Tantra, and Ayurveda. Finishing my training I went to an Ayurvedic Ashram in India to train with a traditional yoga master.

Always questioning everything I wondered what else there was in life than what was already pre-set for us in society. After realizing that the use of alcohol wasn’t serving me at all I quit and found that life was way richer than I thought -with all my senses fully onboard.

After moving to Barcelona I came in contact with plant medicines for the first time in 2021. Starting with Magic Mushrooms ceremonies. It has been a beautiful journey that led me to my first Ayahuasca ceremony in 2022, connecting me with divine love and gratitude.

Today my daily yoga and meditation practice is with me wherever I go and is a place for me to come back to the center. Understanding that everything I do with my body will have an impact on my mind, I’ve been trying different ways over the years to optimize my health and wellness. What time to go to sleep, what and when to eat, movement, and relationships - which lead me to my deep interest in biohacking. Life might be a rollercoaster sometimes but with my daily routines I stay centered.

I’m deeply passionate about health, biohacking, and spirituality. You will find me in cacao ceremonies, ecstatic dances, breath works, and biohacking events. I believe that when we prioritize our own well-being, our unique brilliance comes to life.

ROLE: Traveler's companion. Assistant.

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