Malin Wind Disse

About the Teacher

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Wind Malin Disse was born in Berlin, Germany. From the age of 3 years old he has been living in Ecuador with exception of a view years in Switzerland. He graduated as an Anthropology in Ecuador, and went to Germany for advanced studies as a Migration Manager. Besides Wind loves extreme sports and to play music as a DJ on festivals.

Wind´s path as an anthropologist, artist and Yoga Teacher leads him to be seen as a cultural mediator, a bridge between worlds. He has been teaching the traditional Kaula Tantra Yoga in many workshops. In 2020 he joined a teacher training in the Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Center in the south India. In Durga’s Tiger School ® he teaches Applied Tantra Wisdom, Meditation and Psychology of Chakras beside Kaula Tantra Yoga and Shamanism. He is a certified Yoga Alliance and Yoga Alliance International Yoga Teacher (E-RYT 500) and one of the lead teachers of the Durga’s Tiger School ® Yoga Teacher Training.

Due to his deep interest in shamanism, he has contacted many shamans of the Amazon and Andean region of Ecuador, and worked with them to understand their traditions. From 2009 Wind has been invited to learn more about the shamanic tradition of the Cofán- A’i socio-culture and ended up being accepted as apprentice by the shaman Don Avelino Quenama.
Wind´s thesis as Anthropologist was about the theme: Orality, practices and symbols of the A´i shamanism, including the relation with visionary plants. Don Avelino gave him the authorization to do his own ceremonies with the yage medicine and share his knowledge.
Since then, Wind Malin Disse has attended and guided many shamanic ceremonies in order to keep on learning and help others to enter into a shamanic state of consciousness that allows shamanic healing.

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