Alison says, "The accommodations were comfortable and the food excellent! I enjoyed the pace of the retreat which left room for reflection/alone time. The lectures were thought provoking." See more
Anonymous says, "I really enjoyed the class! Weaving is more difficult than I expected but I finished my project at home and am pretty happy with it! Lisa explained well, there was so many yarns, fabrics- choices!! I will continue with projects at home!" See more
Thomas says, "So I showed up for a very wet Wild Church on Wed. April 3-- and it was great! What sweet, caring people! What a nice, thoughtful, short & compelling worship service- also wet! What a nice, simple - but yummy- covered dish supper, to boot! And what a nice, warm and dry night's stay afterwards at an extremely affordable price! The best simple evening I've had in a long time." See more