About Ronin Sina

Venue & Amenities

Ronin Sina is an authentic Shipibo healing center located on the area where only Shipibos are allowed to own land. Our facilities are simple but comfortable for anyone who enjoy the opportunity to live simply.


We serve simple food suitable for the work with Ayahuasca

Getting Here

Location icon Ronin Sina, Few kilometers outside the Shipibo village San Francisco

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Mission & Vision

Ronin Sina is a a authentic Shipibo Ayahuasca healing center. Ronin Sina is directed by Shipibo Maestros Sina and Emilio. Many people come to us to heal a diverse range of physical, mental, and emotional problems. We have guests who are interested in trying Ayahuasca first time but most guests are more experienced students, who are deep in their path or learning and are undertaking serious plant dietas. Guests are invited to come and stay weeks or months. We don’t have formal program like most other ayahuasca centers, we prefer to cater to the individual needs of our guests.

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