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Customer Reviews

5.00 out of 5.0 average rating

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Beautiful Experience
Life Changing, beautiful!
Bufo Alvarius Cerimony was the moment that touch me really deep.
I will Raccomend Wanay Retreats to my friends and Family.

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Thank you!
Very Special way inside me, very intensive.

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Transformation through love
It was perfect! The villa We stayed in was beautiful and had everything we need. The organisers really went above and beyond to make sure all our needs were met. They held so much space for us and made me feel so loved and special. I thank them and Freddie the shaman for introducing me to ayahuasca in a safe and pleasant setting with music aiding the journey. I also got to experience the toad which completely transformed me and kambo to heal me physically. Freddie’s music unlocked things within me and helped me let go and bring me in the arms of my soul! I am forever grateful for the people I met on this retreat and everyone who helped make it possible. The integration classes gave me such valuable lessons that will stick with me forever. All the ceremonies and work shops tied in beautifully to solidify this awakening experience.