About Royal Glow Meditation Retreat
Royal Glow Meditation Retreat
Venue & Amenities
A/C in Rooms
Free Wifi
Free Parking
Tour Assistance
Hot Tub
Fitness Center
Yoga Studio
Bicycles For Rent
The Westin - Sarasota FL
Menu Types
Getting Here
Royal Glow Meditation Retreat, 100 Marina View Dr, Sarasota, FL34236
Fly into Sarasota Bradenton International Airport-6000 Airport Cir, Sarasota, FL 34243 (10 minutes away from hotel) OR Tampa International (40 minutes away from hotel ) 4100 George J Bean Pkwy, Tampa, FL 33607
Mission & Vision
Discover a unique one-of-a-kind opportunity to immerse yourself in vibrant health, inner fulfillment & deep Presence in an uncertain world.
Sandy\'s message is that you do not need to be a well-practiced yogi living in a cave or a well-studied scientist or someone who has a lot of time on their hands to know of this Intelligence to heal yourself.
It is available to people like you. Now she brings the experience closer to you. This retreat offers you the unique opportunity to know your true nature, integrate it in a practical way then bring forth this transformation everywhere you go.
Sandy\'s message is that you do not need to be a well-practiced yogi living in a cave or a well-studied scientist or someone who has a lot of time on their hands to know of this Intelligence to heal yourself.
It is available to people like you. Now she brings the experience closer to you. This retreat offers you the unique opportunity to know your true nature, integrate it in a practical way then bring forth this transformation everywhere you go.